Legal Advice

You are connected to website. The user having access to this site undertakes to comply with these terms of use. The use of this site is subject to compliance with applicable laws and the present general conditions of access and use. We reserve the right to modify these last at any time, so we invite users to refer to them regularly.


1_ Company data:


This site is the property of 



266 Route Portes de Tarentaise

73790 Tours-en-Savoie FRANCE

Telephone: +33(0)4 79 59 59 59

Social capital: 11 079 900 euros

RCS: Chambery 076120021

TVA: FR 56076120021

The director of the publication is Mister Julien AVRILLIER, digital responsible / Pim/Dam



The site was designed by:




Asdoria is an S.A.S. with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered in the RCS of Chambéry.

Business Corner Bât. F Asprotec

37, Avenue des Massettes

73190 Challes les eaux

Delegate: Philippe Magnin

SIRET: 514231729 00013 

Tel.: +33(0)4 26 78 20 58 


The site is hosted by:


Google Cloud


This site is hosted by Google Cloud Platform, Londres street 75009 Paris 




Tivoly & Asdoria


Our site is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, subject to the interruptions required for the technical maintenance, upkeep and updating operations that ASDORIA deems useful.

 2_ Intellectual property


This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The names, brands and emblems mentioned on this site are the property of their respective depositors. Any use or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the site, of the elements which compose it and/or of the information which appear there, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by the Code of the intellectual property.


Documents, information, graphic elements, etc. of any kind appearing on the TIVOLY site may not be copied.


Additionally, they may not under any circumstances be reproduced or modified, whether for payment or free of charge, without the express written permission of TIVOLY.


The analyzes and short quotations of parts of our Site are, in accordance with article L.122-5 3° of the Intellectual Property Code, authorized provided they are justified by the critical, controversial, educational, scientific or information of the work in which they are incorporated, and of the clear and visible indication of the following mentions: "TIVOLY - document from the website www.ecata.tivoly - All rights reserved".


3_ Discharge of responsibility


TIVOLY declines all responsibility for the content and relevance of information on this website.


4_ Hypertext links


TIVOLY authorizes any website to establish a link pointing to the address after simply informing the webmaster ( Any link of this type will however occur subject to the legal provisions in force.


TIVOLY reserves the right, at any time, without notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit these links. In this case, he will inform the person concerned who will have 2 working days to terminate the link.


5_ Prohibition of mirroring


No posting of the Site by a third party under another URL is permitted.


6 _ Malfunction and viruses


Currently Internet Explorer 7 or higher and Firefox versions ensure the best functioning of this site.


TIVOLY cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website, or the impossibility for a third party to use it, or a malfunction, an interruption, a virus, resulting from access or use of this site or any sites linked to it.





8_ Warning and cookies


We implant a cookie on your computer. A cookie does not allow us to identify you; on the other hand, it records information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the consultation, etc.). The retention period of this information in your computer is limited to the time of the connection session and is automatically erased at the end of it.


We inform you that you can oppose to the registration of « cookies » configuring your browser in this way:


    • For Microsoft Internet Explorer

    • For Mozilla Firefox

    • For Google Chrome

    • For Safari

    • For Opéra

    • For more information about cookies available on the CNIL website.


Types of cookies placed on the site


Cookie name


The duration of the conversation

Necessary Cookies

The site uses necessary cookies for its proper functioning and which cannot be deactivated.

1 year

Google Tag Manager

This service places 22 cookies. The Google Analytics service allows us to generate statistics on site’s visitors (number of visitors, events, viewed pages, geographic area of origin, etc.). The data that Google makes available to us is anonymous.

1 year


The Google reCAPTCHA service allows us to make sure that the people who send us messages through the forms on the site are indeed human. This allows us to fight against spam and phishing. If you disable this service, the contact forms will not work.

1 year

 RGPD, user data


Information available on 


9_ Linked sites


TIVOLY declines all responsibility for the content available on other websites to which it has created links or which could have been created without its knowledge. Access to all other websites linked to this website is at the user's own risk. TIVOLY also declines all responsibility for all information contained on third-party sites which contain links to the site


10_ Applicable law


In accordance with article 17 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, French law is applicable to this Site.

Ma sélection