HSS 90° Weldon deburring cutter ESSENTIAL (Hanging tube)

Référence : 1037031

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Versatile use, finishing of boreholes.

  • 90° milling angle
  • Weldon shank
  • High-speed steel
  • Head with 3 cutting edges


  • Magnetic Base Drill Magnetic Base Drill
  • Drill press Drill press


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Shiny appearance (uncoated) Shiny appearance (uncoated)
  • Tivoly standard norm Tivoly standard norm
  • Attachement type Weldon 19mm Attachement type Weldon 19mm
  • Nombre de dents Nombre de dents
  • 90° countersinker 90° countersinker


  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • K- Ferrous Cast iron with Short Chips K- Ferrous Cast iron with Short Chips
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels


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  • 90° milling angle : For 90° chamfering operation.

  • Weldon shank: cylindrical shank with 3/4" flats.

  • High-speed steel: HSS substrate

  • Head with 3 cutting edges: tool geometry designed with 3 cutting edges.

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Liste des articles : 1037031

Référence Router bit diameter Diamètre de la queue Diamètre intérieure de la fraise Total lenght Nombre de dents Z Trimmed lenght Multiple Sale Quantity
10370312500 25 3/4" - 43 3 - 1
10370313000 30 3/4" - 47 3 - 1
10370314000 40 3/4" - 52 3 - 1
10370315500 55 3/4" - 63 4 - 1
HSS 90° Weldon deburring cutter ESSENTIAL (Hanging tube)
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