HSS handheld reamer, can be expanded to suit its environment -NFE66003 -Exp. 1/100 max -Straight

Référence : 1040101

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A hand-held reamer for accurately calibrating a cylindrical hole (bore) made with a drill bit. For enlarging through holes.

  • High-speed steel


  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Manual use Manual use


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • Norme Norme
  • Helix angle Helix angle


  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • P3- strong alloy steels P3- strong alloy steels
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels


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  • High-speed steel: HSS substrate

+ Lister tous les produits 1040101

Liste des articles : 1040101

Référence Boring diameter Shank diameter or CM Total lenght Trimmed lenght Number of pieces per sales unit
10401010500 5 5 85 32 1
10401010550 5,5 5.5 85 32 1
10401010600 6 6 90 32 1
10401010650 6,5 6.5 100 37 1
10401010700 7 7 100 37 1
10401010750 7,5 7.5 110 42 1
10401010800 8 8 110 42 1
10401010850 8,5 8.5 120 47 1
10401010900 9 9 120 47 1
10401010950 9,5 9.5 130 49 1
10401011000 10 10 130 49 1
10401011050 10,5 10.5 140 54 1
10401011100 11 11 140 54 1
10401011150 11,5 11.5 150 59 1
10401011200 12 12 150 59 1
10401011250 12,5 12.5 160 60 1
10401011300 13 13 160 60 1
10401011350 13,5 13.5 170 65 1
10401011400 14 14 170 65 1
10401011450 14,5 14.5 180 70 1
10401011500 15 15 180 70 1
10401011550 15,5 15.5 180 75 1
10401011600 16 16 185 75 1
10401011650 16,5 16.5 190 75 1
10401011700 17 17 190 75 1
10401011750 17,5 17.5 200 77 1
10401011800 18 18 200 77 1
10401011850 18,5 18.5 205 77 1
10401011900 19 19 205 77 1
10401011950 19,5 19.5 210 82 1
10401012000 20 20 210 82 1
10401012100 21 21 215 87 1
10401012200 22 22 220 87 1
10401012300 23 23 230 89 1
10401012400 24 24 235 89 1
10401012500 25 25 240 94 1
10401012600 26 26 245 95 1
10401012700 27 27 260 100 1
10401012800 28 28 260 100 1
10401012900 29 29 270 102 1
10401013000 30 30 270 102 1
10401013100 31 31 280 107 1
10401013200 32 32 280 107 1
HSS handheld reamer, can be expanded to suit its environment -NFE66003 -Exp. 1/100 max -Straight
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