Fully ground HSS E5 metal drill bit - Fusio Coating - DIN1897 - h8 - Welding point and sheet special sharpening PREMIUM (Plastic sleeve)

Référence : 1144714

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High-performance drill bit for drilling steel and stainless steel sheets. Drill for spot welding thanks to its special sharpening, its cobalt substrate and its FUSIO coating. Made in France.

  • Sheet metal cutting
  • Cylindrical shank
  • 30° type N flute
  • 5% cobalt HSS
  • FUSIO coating


  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Pneumatic drill Pneumatic drill


  • High speed steel Cobalt High speed steel Cobalt
  • Fusio coating Fusio coating
  • DIN 1897 norm DIN 1897 norm
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • Sheet metal sharpening Sheet metal sharpening
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Helix angle Helix angle
  • Tolerance Tolerance


  • N1- Aluminum alloy N1- Aluminum alloy
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels
  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • M1- austenitic stainless steels M1- austenitic stainless steels


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  • Sheet metal cutting: with centring tip and lip.

  • Cylindrical shank: the diameter of the shank is equal to the diameter of the tip.

  • 30° type N flute: normal flute profile with a 30° helix angle.

  • 5% cobalt high-speed steel: HSS substrate enriched with 5% cobalt. Improved heat retention (strength, cutting sharpness)

  • FUSIO coating: Ti2CN base, thickness 2/4µm, hardness 3200HV, coefficient of friction 0.2, heat resist. 400°C.

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Liste des articles : 1144714

Référence Drill diameter in mm Shank diameter or CM Total lenght Trimmed lenght Multiple Sales Quantity
11447140400 4 4 55 22 1
11447140600 6 6 66 28 1
11447140800 8 8 79 37 1
11447141000 10 10 89 43 1
Fully ground HSS E5 metal drill bit - Fusio Coating - DIN1897 - h8 - Welding point and sheet special sharpening PREMIUM (Plastic sleeve)
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