Ø: / L: / FURIUS fully ground HSS metal drill bit - FUSIO coated - Split point (Case)

Référence : 11454170003

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High-performance drill bit for incredibly fast and intensive drilling of high-strength steels and cast irons, thanks to its geometry and its FUSIO coating. Made in France.

  • Automatic centring
  • Anti-shock
  • 35° type N flute
  • 135° tip
  • FUSIO coating


  • Drill press Drill press
  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle
  • Pneumatic drill Pneumatic drill


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Fusio coating Fusio coating
  • DIN 338 norm DIN 338 norm
  • Standard series 3xØ Standard series 3xØ
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • Cross-point sharpening Cross-point sharpening
  • Angle at top of tool Angle at top of tool
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Helix angle Helix angle
  • Tolerance Tolerance


  • K2- Gray Cast iron K2- Gray Cast iron
  • K3- Nodular and GS Cast iron K3- Nodular and GS Cast iron
  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • P3- strong alloy steels P3- strong alloy steels
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels


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Contenu du coffret

Ø 1- 1,5 (x5 pcs)- 2- 2,5- 3 (x 10pcs)- 3,2- 3,5 (x5 pcs)- 4 (x10 pcs) 4,2- 4,5 (x5 pcs)- 5 (x10 pcs) 5,5 (x3 pcs)- 6 (x5 pcs)- 6,5- 8 (x3 pcs)- 8,5- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13mm (x1 pc) -Coffret RANGER de chantier en matière 100% recyclable. Renforts périphériques antichoc. Composition optimisée comprenant les dimensions d’outils les plus utilisés. Boite de rangement intérieure supplémentaire. Particulièrement solide et adapté à un usage nomade.

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