Roll forged HSS metal drill bit -STEAM treatment -DIN345 -h8 -Morse taper -shank

Référence : 2020061

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Morse taper laminated drill bit for drilling common metals, occasional use.

  • Conventional point
  • Morse taper shank
  • 30° type N flute
  • 118° tip


  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle
  • Drill press Drill press


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Steam homo surface treatment Steam homo surface treatment
  • DIN 345 norm DIN 345 norm
  • Standard series 3xØ Standard series 3xØ
  • Taper flank sharpening Taper flank sharpening
  • Angle at top of tool Angle at top of tool
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Tolerance Tolerance
  • Helix angle Helix angle


  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels


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  • Conventional grinding: with a standard point sharpening

  • Morse taper shank: conical tenon shank for pillar drills and machine tools.

  • 30° type N flute: normal flute profile with a 30° helix angle.

  • 118° tip: 118° tip angle for the sharpening of the drill bit.

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Référence Drill diameter in mm Shank diameter or CM Total lenght Trimmed lenght Multiple Sales Quantity
90200610500 5 CM1 133 52 1
90200610550 5.5 CM1 138 57 1
90200610600 6 CM1 138 57 1
90200610650 6.5 CM1 144 63 1
90200610680 6.8 CM1 150 69 1
90200610700 7 CM1 150 69 1
90200610800 8 CM1 156 75 1
90200610850 8.5 CM1 156 75 1
90200610900 9 CM1 162 81 1
90200611000 10 CM1 168 87 1
90200611020 10.2 CM1 168 87 1
90200611050 10.5 CM1 168 87 1
90200611100 11 CM1 175 94 1
90200611150 11.5 CM1 175 94 1
90200611200 12 CM1 181 101 1
90200611250 12.5 CM1 181 101 1
90200611300 13 CM1 181 101 1
90200611350 13.5 CM1 189 108 1
90200611400 14 CM1 189 108 1
90200611450 14.5 CM2 214 114 1
90200611500 15 CM2 214 114 1
90200611550 15.5 CM2 218 120 1
90200611600 16 CM2 218 120 1
90200611650 16.5 CM2 223 125 1
90200611700 17 CM2 223 125 1
90200611750 17.5 CM2 228 130 1
90200611800 18 CM2 228 130 1
90200611850 18.5 CM2 233 135 1
90200611900 19 CM2 233 135 1
90200611950 19.5 CM2 238 140 1
90200612000 20 CM2 238 140 1
90200612050 20.5 CM2 243 145 1
90200612100 21 CM2 243 145 1
90200612150 21.5 CM2 248 150 1
90200612200 22 CM2 248 150 1
90200612250 22.5 CM2 276 155 1
90200612300 23 CM2 276 155 1
90200612350 23.5 CM3 276 155 1
90200612400 24 CM3 281 160 1
90200612450 24.5 CM3 281 160 1
90200612500 25 CM3 281 160 1
90200612550 25.5 CM3 286 165 1
90200612600 26 CM3 286 165 1
90200612650 26.5 CM3 286 165 1
90200612700 27 CM3 291 170 1
90200612750 27.5 CM3 291 170 1
90200612800 28 CM3 291 170 1
90200612850 28.5 CM3 296 175 1
90200612900 29 CM3 296 175 1
90200612950 29.5 CM3 296 175 1
90200613000 30 CM3 296 175 1
90200613050 30.5 CM3 301 180 1
90200613100 31 CM3 301 180 1
90200613150 31.5 CM3 301 180 1
90200613200 32 CM4 334 185 1
90200613300 33 CM4 334 185 1
90200613400 34 CM4 339 190 1
90200613500 35 CM4 339 190 1
90200613600 36 CM4 344 195 1
90200613700 37 CM4 344 195 1
90200613800 38 CM4 349 200 1
90200613900 39 CM4 349 200 1
90200614000 40 CM4 349 200 1
90200614100 41 CM4 354 205 1
90200614200 42 CM4 354 205 1
90200614300 43 CM4 359 210 1
90200614400 44 CM4 359 210 1
90200614500 45 CM4 359 210 1
90200614600 46 CM4 364 215 1
90200614800 48 CM4 369 220 1
90200614900 49 CM4 369 220 1
90200615000 50 CM4 369 220 1
Roll forged HSS metal drill bit -STEAM treatment -DIN345 -h8 -Morse taper -shank
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