Finishing end mill HSS-E8 (cobalt 8%) -TivolyNorm -Z4 -Hel. 40° - Extra Long

Référence : 8030161

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High performance HSS-E8 slot milling cutter which gives the tool a compromise between flexibility and hardness. Versatile use. Made in France.

  • 8% cobalt HSS


  • CNC numerical control CNC numerical control
  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle
  • Robot Robot


  • High speed steel Cobalt 8% (tool material) High speed steel Cobalt 8% (tool material)
  • Shiny appearance (uncoated) Shiny appearance (uncoated)
  • Tivoly standard norm Tivoly standard norm
  • Nombre de dents Nombre de dents
  • Helix angle Helix angle
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • Fraises de finition contournage Fraises de finition contournage


  • N- Non-ferrous alloys N- Non-ferrous alloys
  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels


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  • 8% cobalt high-speed steel : HSS substrate enriched with 5% cobalt. Improved heat retention (strength, cutting sharpness).

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Liste des articles : 8030161

Référence Router bit diameter Shank diameter or CM Router bit radius Total lenght Total lenght Multiple Sales Quantity
80301610600 6 6 0 95 50 1
80301610800 8 10 0 110 60 1
80301611000 10 10 0 115 65 1
80301611200 12 12 0 130 75 1
80301611400 14 12 0 135 80 1
80301611600 16 16 0 155 95 1
80301611800 18 16 0 160 100 1
80301612000 20 20 0 175 110 1
Finishing end mill HSS-E8 (cobalt 8%) -TivolyNorm -Z4 -Hel. 40° - Extra Long
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