PHOENIX metal drill bit HSS-E5 (cobalt 5%) -NFE66075 -h8 -10xd -Extra long L200 mm -Type S

Référence : 8140691

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High performance drill (10xØ) for versatile and deep drilling due to its geometry and substrate. (Total length: 200). Made in France.

  • 1/3 2/3 grinding
  • Cylindrical shank
  • Type S flute
  • 5% cobalt HSS
  • Pointe 130°


  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle
  • Drill press Drill press
  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Pneumatic drill Pneumatic drill


  • High speed steel Cobalt 5% (tool material) High speed steel Cobalt 5% (tool material)
  • Shiny appearance (uncoated) Shiny appearance (uncoated)
  • Norme Norme
  • Extra long series 10xØ and more Extra long series 10xØ and more
  • Cylindrical attachment Cylindrical attachment
  • 1/3 2/3 sharpening 1/3 2/3 sharpening
  • Angle at top of tool Angle at top of tool
  • Geometry of the flute Geometry of the flute
  • Tolerance Tolerance
  • Helix angle Helix angle


  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels
  • P3- strong alloy steels P3- strong alloy steels
  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels
  • K3- Nodular and GS Cast iron K3- Nodular and GS Cast iron
  • M- Stainless steels M- Stainless steels
  • N- Non-ferrous alloys N- Non-ferrous alloys


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  • 1/3 2/3 grinding: with tapering and indicator.

  • Cylindrical shank: the diameter of the shank is equal to the diameter of the tip.

  • Type S flute: deep flute

  • 5% cobalt high-speed steel: HSS substrate enriched with 5% cobalt. Improved heat retention (strength, cutting sharpness)

  • Pointe 130° : angle de pointe à 130° de l'affûtage du foret.

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Liste des articles : 8140691

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81406910380 3.8 3.8 200 150 1
81406910390 3.9 3.9 200 150 1
81406910400 4 4 200 150 1
81406910410 4.1 4.1 200 150 1
81406910420 4.2 4.2 200 150 1
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81406910470 4.7 4.7 200 150 1
81406910480 4.8 4.8 200 150 1
81406910490 4.9 4.9 200 150 1
81406910500 5 5 200 150 1
81406910520 5.2 5.2 200 150 1
81406910530 5.3 5.3 200 150 1
81406910540 5.4 5.4 200 150 1
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81406910560 5.6 5.6 200 150 1
81406910570 5.7 5.7 200 150 1
81406910580 5.8 5.8 200 150 1
81406910590 5.9 5.9 200 150 1
81406910600 6 6 200 150 1
81406910610 6.1 6.1 200 150 1
81406910620 6.2 6.2 200 150 1
81406910630 6.3 6.3 200 150 1
81406910640 6.4 6.4 200 150 1
81406910650 6.5 6.5 200 150 1
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81406910730 7.3 7.3 200 150 1
81406910740 7.4 7.4 200 150 1
81406910750 7.5 7.5 200 150 1
81406910800 8 8 200 150 1
81406910850 8.5 8.5 200 150 1
81406910900 9 9 200 150 1
81406910950 9.5 9.5 200 150 1
81406911000 10 10 200 150 1
PHOENIX metal drill bit HSS-E5 (cobalt 5%) -NFE66075 -h8 -10xd -Extra long L200 mm -Type S
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