HSS machine tap - M -DIN 352 - Form B (Gun) ESSENTIAL (Unit packaging)

Référence : 1050211

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Taraud pour les aciers courants, particulièrement adapté aux taraudages débouchants grâce à son entrée Gun. Taraud court et compact.

  • GUN entry
  • High-speed steel


  • Drill press Drill press
  • Corded Drill Corded Drill
  • Cordless Screwdriver Cordless Screwdriver
  • Machine conventionnelle Machine conventionnelle


  • High speed steel (tool material) High speed steel (tool material)
  • Pas Métrique Pas Métrique
  • Shiny appearance (uncoated) Shiny appearance (uncoated)
  • Tolerance Tolerance
  • DIN 352 norm DIN 352 norm
  • Entrée forme B "GUN" / 4-4,5 hls Entrée forme B "GUN" / 4-4,5 hls
  • Entrée GUN Entrée GUN
  • With square drive (tap) With square drive (tap)


  • P1- Unrealized steels P1- Unrealized steels
  • P2- Weakly allied steels P2- Weakly allied steels


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  • Gun entry: entry geometry consisting of facets shaped to guide debris towards the front. Improves threading efficiency and precision.

  • High-speed steel: HSS substrate

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Liste des articles : 1050211

Référence Pas Tap or thread diameter Pitch in mm or TPI Ø du trou à percer avant Total lenght Trimmed lenght Number of pieces in the sales unit
1050211020040 M 2 0.4 1,60 36 9 1
1050211025045 M 2.5 0.45 2,10 40 10 1
1050211030050 M 3 0.5 2,50 40 11 1
1050211040070 M 4 0.7 3,30 45 13 1
1050211050080 M 5 0.8 4,20 50 15 1
1050211060100 M 6 1 5,00 50 16 1
1050211080125 M 8 1.25 6,80 56 22 1
1050211100150 M 10 1.5 8,50 70 24 1
1050211120175 M 12 1.75 10,20 75 29 1
1050211140200 M 14 2 12,00 80 30 1
1050211160200 M 16 2 14,00 80 32 1
1050211180250 M 18 2.5 15,50 95 40 1
1050211200250 M 20 2.5 17,50 95 40 1
1050211220250 M 22 2.5 19,50 100 40 1
1050211240300 M M24 3 21,00 110 45 1
1050214030050 M M3 0.5 2,50 40 11 1
1050214040070 M M4 0.7 3,30 45 13 1
1050214050080 M M5 0.8 4,20 50 15 1
1050214060100 M M6 1 5,00 50 16 1
1050214080125 M M8 1.25 6,80 56 22 1
1050214100150 M M10 1.5 8,50 70 24 1
1050214120175 M M12 1.75 10,20 75 29 1
1050214140200 M M14 2 12,00 80 30 1
1050214160200 M M16 2 14,00 80 32 1
HSS machine tap - M -DIN 352 - Form B (Gun) ESSENTIAL (Unit packaging)
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